What is your good news for today? I hope that a part of it is that God is still speaking to you…just as he did in the days of old. He spoke creation into existence (Gen 1:1-2; Jn 1:1-5) and then created Light to interact with Darkness (Gen 1:3-5) and Land to interact with the Sea (Gen 1:9-10). Lights adorned the sky (Gen 1:14-18), speaking without words (Ps 19:1-4). Animals reflect God’s speech (Gen 1:24-25). Then the final and greatest of God’s creation, human beings were spoken into creation (Gen 1:27-31).
God chooses to speak through his children (Ps 8:2 ).
But maybe most of all, God has chosen to speak through silence…ours (Hab 2:20) and
his (1 Ki 19:11-14). Indeed, our God is an awesome God.