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Have you ever missed the bus literally or figuratively? What’s more important, are you missing the Jesus bus? The good news he proclaimed and lived out among us and invited us to enter into? (Mk 1:14-15)
Unfortunately, although hand-picked, Jesus’ original 12 seemed to miss the bus (Lk 6:12-13) in many different ways. Getting into arguments about who is the greatest (Lk 9:46-48)…Riding on the Satan bus rather than the Jesus bus (Matt 16:22-23)…Declaring faithfulness and doing the opposite (Lk 22:33-34).
James and John wanted special privileges in the Kingdom which made the others mad (Matt 20:20-25). A major dispute erupted at the Last Supper (Lk 22:24-26).
Judas ends up betraying his role as treasurer and then betrays Jesus.
Judas has clearly gotten on the wrong bus…This is Satan’ bus…greed (Jn 12:1-6) and betrayal (Lk 22:1-6) are wrapped up in this bus ride.
But all the disciples receive the cup of salvation and the bread of heaven at the Last
Supper…even Judas (Jn 13:27-30).
Does this say something about the love and forgiveness of God for disciples like you and and me (Rom 8:35-39)?
Maybe communion begs the question: “What Bus Are You On?”
With the expected reply: “I’m On The Jesus Bus”